Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mesa Temple, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
The peace one feels at the temple is amazing. Even on the opening night of the temple nights, with so many members attending to see the sacred ground light up, the calmness of it all is mind boggling. I suppose it does make sense, seeing that the temple is a place for peace and happiness. But the thing that always gets me is the imediate feeling of love once you walk onto the temple grounds. Something so simple as a building has been made holy by the meaning of it. To stand next to a place dedicated to Him and see it light up in the rememberance and happiness of His son is a humbling and inforgettable experiance. I hope that lights of the temple will help brighten all of your endeavors this holiday season, and give you one more thing to smile about. "I love to see the temple...".
These are a small porton of the lights that decorate the temple grounds
The manger scene with the temple in the background.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Some people are born with natural talents. Others work at it for years to become exceptional at the skill. Remember when you were little and you were asked by your teacher to write about your talents? You would over think the question, and would end up writing about the talents you would want to have. The phrase, "everyone has talents", might seem repeated too often, but people say it for a reason. Having doubts? Feel free to read Doctrine and Covenants section 46: 11-26. This scripture talks about the many talents from being able to gain knowledge and having the gift of faith. Too many of us, myself included, think of talents such as being able to ride a unicycle, being good at a sport, or having a great memory. Although these are talents, I would like to invite you to start thinking more about the talents discussed in section 46, especially during this Thanksgiving "strong"- end. Happy Thanksgiving!!! I hope you will light up someones day by telling them the talents you see in them!!!